Rules and Regulations
Important: These Rules & Regulations should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions of the Contract
Clause No.
Definitions | 1 |
Stand to be Ready | 2 |
Stand Limits | 3 |
Name Board | 4 |
Noise | 5 |
Shell Scheme Stands | 6 |
Space Only Sites | 7 |
Contractors | 8 |
Water and Waste | 9 |
Traps, Service Openings in Floors, Fire Alarms and Hydrants, Exit Signs etc | 10 |
The Exhibition Venue | 11 |
Visits to Site | 12 |
Storage | 13 |
Removal of Exhibits | 14 |
Clearance of Rubbish | 15 |
Exhibits – delivery/handling | 16 |
Security | 17 |
Documentation of Sales | 18 |
Move-Out | 19 |
Damage to Stand | 20 |
Dilapidations | 21 |
Site Plan | 22 |
Competitions | 23 |
Conduct and Canvassing | 24 |
- Definitions
a) The Authorities include the Commonwealth of Australia, the State Government, the local authorities and the lessor or operator of the Exhibition Venue.
b) The Exhibition is Energy Exchange Australia 2025.
c) The Exhibition Venue is the place where the Exhibition will be held.
d) The Exhibitor is the applicant whose details are set out in the Space Application/Contract and where not inconsistent with the context, a reference to Exhibitor includes all reference to all of its officers, employees, agents or contractors.
e) The Online Exhibitor Manual(OEM) and Exhibitor Services Manual(ESM) are relating to the Exhibition supplied by the Organiser to the Exhibitor or which will, in any event, be made available to the Exhibitor online at least 3 months before the Exhibition and includes all amendments to or revisions of that manual made by the Organiser from time to time.
f) The Move-In is the time specified by the Organiser for the Exhibitor to set-up displays prior to the commencement of the Exhibition.
g) The Move-Out is the time specified by the Organiser for the Exhibitor to dismantle and remove displays following the conclusion of the Exhibition.
h) The Organiser of the Exhibition is Diversified Exhibitions Australia Pty Ltd, trading as Diversified Communications Australia.
- Stand to be Ready
a) The Exhibitor agrees to have its stand ready at the commencement of the Exhibition and to properly staff and maintain the stand throughout the Opening Hours of the Exhibition.
- Stand Limits
a) No part of the stand or displays may extend or project beyond the allotted dimensions of the space. Stands must not exceed a maximum height of 2.5 metres without the prior written approval of the Organiser.
- Name Board
a) Each stand must clearly show the company or business name and stand number of the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor is also reminded that its name board details must be consistent with that in the App (as per the requirements set out in the Online Exhibitor Manual).
- Noise
a) The Exhibitor must not use any public announcement systems (PA Systems) at the stand without the prior written approval of the Organiser. If an Exhibitor shows films or use any audio visual aids which create excessive noise which disturb adjacent exhibitors, the Organiser may ask the Exhibitor to cease showing such films or using such aids. The Organiser shall be regarded as the sole arbiter in the case of disputes between the exhibitors and the Exhibitor must follow the directions of the Organiser in order to resolve any such disputes
- Shell Scheme Stands
a) Shell scheme stands will be provided with walls, carpet, lighting and a fascia panel with the Exhibitor’s name and stand number. The name style is uniform and the fascia may not be altered or covered in any way. The shell scheme stand will be available to the Exhibitor from the time and date specified in the online Exhibitor Services Manual.
- Space Only Sites
a) An Exhibitor booking space only site is responsible for the construction of the stand. The stand must meet all the requirements of the Organiser and the Authorities, including the following requirements.
b) The Exhibitor is responsible for erecting a partition wall, 2.5 metres in height between the Exhibitor’s site and the adjoining site. If the Exhibitor wishes to erect partitions exceeding 2.5 metres, the Exhibitor must obtain the prior written approval of the Organiser. Where permission is granted, the Exhibitor becomes responsible for both sides of the partition wall above 2.5 metres. The partition wall must be of solid construction, suitably decorated on the reverse side to the requirements of the adjoining exhibitor, and must not carry any advertising material where the elevation overlooks the lower stand.
c) Multi-storey stands are not permitted without the prior written approval of the Organiser. Where approval is granted, the maximum height, inclusive of all banners and signage, must not exceed 5 metres.
d) All stands must have at least one third of each frontage open or fitted with transparent material.
e) All stand designs must be submitted to the Organiser for approval at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the Exhibition. The Organiser reserves the right to reject any design.
f) On site construction may commence from the time and date specified in the online Exhibitor Services Manual.
- Contractors
a) The Exhibitor must notify the Organiser at least 28 days prior to the commencement of the Exhibition of the name of their stand interior designer and stand contractor. The Exhibitor must observe all rules and regulations concerning the use of trade union labour within the Exhibition Venue. Exhibitors requiring advice should contact the Organiser
b) In placing contracts for the construction, erection, decoration and dismantling of stand, the Exhibitor must ensure that the selected contractor, subcontractor or agent agrees to comply with these Rules and Regulations and all requirements of the Authorities, and use only those materials acceptable to the Authorities for use at the Exhibition Venue in the construction and erection of the stand.
- Water and Waste
a) Water and waste services are available in certain areas of the Exhibition Venue. The Exhibitor must, when booking space, verify that these are or can be installed at the stand by the Exhibitor’s appointed contractor. The cost of the service and the installation is not included in the Contract Fee.
- Traps, Service Openings in Floors, Fire Alarms and Hydrants, Exit Signs etc
a) Traps and other service openings in the floor of the Exhibition Venue must be left accessible at all times and where they are situated under the stand, provision must be made for free access. Fire alarms, hydrants, exit signs etc must not be masked, obstructed, moved or altered in any way.
- The Exhibition Venue
a) The Exhibitor must not attach any fixture or fitting to the floors, ceilings or walls of the Exhibition Venue. Only approved adhesives are to be used to mark the layout of the stand. No nail, screw or other fitting is to be driven into any part of the Exhibition Venue.
- Visits to Site
a) If the Exhibitor’s stand adjoins or includes part of the Exhibition Venue’s structure, including pillars and columns, the Exhibitor should visit the Exhibition Venue with their stand interior designer to check measurements. Appointments to do this must be made with the Organiser at an early stage in the design.
- Storage
a) Storage space is not available at the Exhibition Venue. The Exhibitor is responsible for the removal and storage of all packing cases and material from the Exhibition Venue and must do so prior to the commencement of the Exhibition.
- Removal of Exhibits
a) The Exhibitor must not remove any products on display during the Opening Hours of the Exhibition without the prior approval of the Organiser.
- Clearance of Rubbish
a) It is the responsibility of each Exhibitor to see that all general rubbish and litter is removed from the Exhibition Venue prior to the commencement of the Exhibition.
16. Exhibits – Delivery/Handling
a) No exhibits will be allowed into the Exhibition Venue after the commencement of the Exhibition except with the prior approval of the Organiser.
b) All ladders, trestles, tool boxes, packaging or other materials must be removed from the Exhibition Venue and the stand must be completed and ready by the commencement of the Exhibition. The cost of conveying goods and materials to and from the Exhibition Venue must be borne by the Exhibitor.
c) Wherever possible every facility will be given to vehicles at the Exhibition Venue, but the Organiser reserves the right to specify times or places and request the moving of any vehicle, at any time in the interests of the Exhibition.
d) The Exhibitor must arrange with its contractors for displays to be conveyed to and unloaded at the Exhibition Venue. Entry for heavy or other exceptional loads should be arranged with the Organiser at least 10 days prior to the commencement of the Exhibition and the Organiser will notify the Exhibitor of the appropriate time for the delivery. Vehicles must not be locked or left unattended whilst on any part of the Exhibition Venue. Any damage to any part of the Exhibition Venue or to any other vehicle, exhibit or stand must be reported immediately to the Organiser.
e) The Organiser will not under any circumstances accept or sign for any deliveries on behalf of the Exhibitors
- Security
a) The Organiser may in its discretion provide security in relation to the Exhibition. If provided, security will, generally, be maintained by security guards engaged by the Organiser operating from the start of Move-In to the end of Move-Out. Notwithstanding the provision of security, the Organiser is not responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Exhibitor.
- Documentation of Sales
a) If retail sales are permitted in the Exhibition, all goods sold must be accompanied by a receipt which must contain the Exhibitor’s company or business name, stand number and must fully describe the goods.
- Move-Out
a) The removal of stand, stand fittings and displays must begin from the time and date specified in the online Exhibitor Services Manual. Immediately after the Exhibition closes the Exhibitor is permitted to remove portable exhibits and personal effects from its stand. If the Exhibitor fails to remove any stand, stand fitting, displays or any rubbish by the end of Move-Out, the Exhibitor must indemnify the Organiser for any claims thereby occasioned for failure by the Organiser to give possession of any part of the Exhibition Venue on the to the lessor or operator of the Exhibition Venue on the due date, and the Organiser is entitled but not obliged to remove the stand, stand fitting, displays or any rubbish at the cost of the Exhibitor who shall be liable for all losses and costs thereby occasioned.
- Damage to Stand
a) In relation to a shell scheme stand, the Exhibitor is liable for any damage to the stand structure incurred during the Exhibition.
- Dilapidations
a) The Exhibitor is responsible for the cost of making good, restoring or renewing any case of serious dilapidation to the Exhibition Venue or any part thereof. The Organiser will inspect the site before erection and after removal of the stand. Dilapidation includes (by way of examples only) marks caused to paintwork, bolt screw, nail holes etc. The Exhibitor should satisfy itself as to the condition of the site both before erection and after removal of the stand.
- Site Plan
a) The Organiser reserves the right to alter the layout, plans and positions of stands, if in its opinion, this is desirable from the point of view of the Exhibition as a whole.
- Competitions
a) The Exhibitor must not conduct lotteries, raffles or competitions without the consent of the appropriate Authorities and the Organiser.
- Conduct and Canvassing
a) Exhibitors are permitted to have promotional staff on their stand space only. Exhibitors and promotional staff must not canvass or distribute promotional material other than from their own stand. Exhibitors must at all times act responsibly and must not, by their actions, cause a nuisance to other Exhibitors or act in a manner that could damage the reputation of the Exhibition or the Organiser or adversely impact the running of the Exhibition. This includes the presentation and behaviour of promotional staff. For example – promotional staff should be dressed in and behave in a manner reflecting a professional working environment. Please consult with the organisers should you require guidance about this policy.