Any materials used for construction of your stand or display must conform to the following minimum standards:
- Non-combustible and inherently non-flammable material.
- Durable, flame-proof fabric.
- Self-extinguishing plastic.
- Plywood, hardwood or fibre-board rendered flame-resistant by a process of impregnation acceptable to the authorities.
Fire extinguishers and firefighting equipment must at all times be visible and accessible, and must not be removed from its correct location. Motor vehicles or other mechanical appliances displayed within the exhibition venue must contain a full tank of fuel, their batteries must be disconnected and a drip tray placed under the sump. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide a fire extinguisher with any vehicle in the hall.
All stands using cooking appliances must have a fire extinguisher supported on a wall by bracket 1.2 metres above the floor. The installation of any fuel burning appliances must conform to the Uniform Building Regulations and the Theatre & Public Works Act 1901 (Appendix D 1987). See also Gas in this section.
Should construction of stands or exhibits create a potential smoke-locked area or create an area not serviceable by the existing sprinkler systems, the management of the exhibition venue, under advice from the Insurance Council of Australia, may require the smoke detection, emergency lighting, and exit lighting systems to be extended to cover the stand or exhibit areas.
Please notify the organisers if you intend on bringing a vehicle, utilising a naked flame, doing hot work, cooking, or utilising LPG Gas for more information about requirements.